Do you offer excursions outside the retreat centre?
Each 5-day retreat includes an excursion to nearby attractions. You decide whether to go along or stay in the centre. As there is plenty of nature in the area with many hiking trails, you are free to explore the surrounding areas if you feel like it.
How do I find information about your retreats, prices and availability?
For detailed information on retreats and schedules see: PRICING AND SCHEDULE For detailed information on availability see: BOOK
Is it safe to come to the retreat alone?
Yes. In fact, we have many solo travellers. OMMIJ is known for bringing together like-minded, open-minded and compassionate people from all over the world and connecting them in a safe and peaceful environment. You will meet a loving and caring community where everyone can express their feelings, open their hearts, share meaningful lessons, get inspiration and support, as well as celebrate life and enjoy a good laugh. You may come as a stranger, but you will leave with a few new friends.
What are the accommodation/accommodations like in Spain?
The retreat centre is set in 10,000m2 of grounds with a large outdoor space for activities such as yoga and meditation, dance and creativity workshops, ceremonies and sharing circles. The estate has a 450m2 terrace with a barbecue grill and stone oven, swimming pool, vegetable garden and a huge orange garden. The Finca has 900m2 and 3 floors with a kitchen, the ceremony room and 10 guest rooms. Guests can be accommodated in double rooms or five-bed rooms.
How do I get to the retreat?
The OMMIJ retreat is facilitated at the “Be Free” retreat centre, located near the city of Denia in the province of Alicante. Easily accessible from Alicante and Valencia airports within an hour’s drive. The full address of the retreat will be provided after your booking.
What are housing like in the Netherlands?
The healing centre is located on the ground floor and has 350m2. It consists of the large ceremony room with space for up to 18 participants, a small ceremony room with space for 3 participants, a living room with kitchen for communal meals, integration and sharing circles, two shared bedrooms with bunk beds for overnight stays, two toilets with a shower, a relaxation room and an outdoor chill-out area. The interior is clean with warm wood accents and green plants. The ceremony rooms are air-conditioned and have a Bose audio surround system that ensures that wherever you lie, you are carried by carefully selected music that deepens your experience.
How do I get to the Healing Centre?
The OMMIJ Healing Centre in the Netherlands is located 10 km from the German border in the east of the Netherlands in a quiet ancient town. The address is: Paul Krugerlaan 28, 7001 DH in Doetinchem. If you come by car you can park for free in our private car park. If you are travelling by plane, you can book your flight to the nearest and cheapest airports: Eindhoven and Düsseldorf Weeze (Germany) or Schiphol Amsterdam. From Amsterdam, it is about 2 hours by train or car.
Can I go to work the day after the ceremony?
This could be possible, but we always recommend taking the day off after the ceremony. Basically, once the Ayahuasca is processed through your system, you are immediately refreshed and there is no real hangover effect. But the process may have been emotional and continues to a lesser extent after your ceremony. In the days after, emotions and insights sometimes still come through, so it is important to be kind to yourself and take enough rest in the days after.
Can I drive the car after a ceremony?
Our group ceremonies include an overnight stay. The next day, you will be fully capable of travelling back or driving home. You may experience some fatigue, please bear that in mind. Our private ceremonies start earlier and participants often travel back home in the evening. When the Ayahuasca has fully broken down, there is plenty of time to clear your head and have some food and recover. Afterwards, our guides carefully test whether you are completely lucid again and can drive. If necessary or desired, you can always stay overnight. Safety first!
Can I bring someone to support me?
As much as we would like to offer this, we cannot facilitate it except in some cases that would need to be discussed. Experience has shown that a non-participant might distract you in your process and also because we don’t really have space for non-participants to stay. Finally, it is also for the privacy of the other participants in the group. We hope for your understanding. Our ceremony facilitators are all very warm and loving people who are there to support and comfort you in your process. You are not alone!
I am under 18 years old. Can I still attend a ceremony?
Unfortunately no. We do require all guests to be of age, at least 18 years old, to be on site and participate in a ceremony with us.
What is your maximum group size?
Our group ceremonies have a maximum size of 10 people (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and 16 people (Friday and Saturday).
What is the arrival and departure time for a ceremony?
Arrival and departure times vary by ceremony. For detailed information see: PRICING AND SCHEDULE
What should I bring to a ceremony?
We provide linen, towels, food and drinks and good, healing vibes. You should bring:
- Things for an overnight stay
- Comfortable clothes
- Warm socks or slippers
- Possibly a photo or object that has special meaning for you.
What languages do you speak during your ceremonies and retreats?
At all OMMIJ ceremonies and retreats, we speak English, German and Dutch.
How many guides will be present during the ceremony?
For every group ceremony, there is a ceremony leader who also works as a guide, there are at least five loving guides to help you. Our ceremonies are usually very peaceful. Ayahuasca is a deep, inward-looking process. Participants lie quietly on their mattress and go through their own process. If you have a question or need help, there are several people who are happy to assist you with love 🙂
Should I do a 1-day or 2-day Ayahuasca Ceremony in the Netherlands or join a multi-day Retreat in Spain?
The OMMIJ Healing Centre in the Netherlands specialises exclusively in therapeutic Ayahuasca ceremonies held daily, except Sundays. In terms of the healing effect of the Ayahuasca tea and the way the ceremony is conducted, there is no real difference between a 1-day or 2-day group ceremony, and a private group ceremony or a private individual ceremony. Some people prefer more privacy, while others prefer the social aspect of the group. Many new friendships are made at OMMIJ. You can process and heal a lot in one ceremony. Some people personally find it more comfortable to do one ceremony and take their time to process and integrate everything into their lives. Others prefer several connecting ceremonies. This is especially true for participants coming from abroad. For newcomers, we recommend booking a group ceremony for two consecutive days. Experience has shown that the best healing occurs when participating in two Ayahuasca ceremonies. But again, this is a personal choice, you are guided by your intuition in this. Just follow your feelings! The OMMIJ Retreat in Spain offers multi-day Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies. Throughout the year, we offer you the opportunity to join us for a magical, life-changing journey to transformation and freedom. Depending on your personal preference, you can book a 3-day or 5-day Ayahuasca retreat, a 3-day San Pedro retreat or a combination of both. We integrate modalities such as Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies, Kambo detox, yoga, meditation, ecstatic dance, visionary painting, nature immersion, sharing circles, and more, to enable holistic healing, spiritual transformation and universal connection. All this is balanced by freshly prepared nutritious vegetarian meals and free time where you relax, share insights and integrate your experiences. Get more detailed information about our ceremonies and retreats: PRICING AND SCHEDULE
Do you have shamans at your Ayahuasca ceremonies?
We know that Ayahuasca is a powerful and effective medicine that can reconnect with your true self and help you heal. All it requires is your free will and trust in the process. We believe that no shaman is needed to teach you, because Ayahuasca itself is a master teacher. Everything you need to heal is already within you. Our ceremonies are held in a therapeutic environment. Of course, we work with the spirit of Ayahuasca and respect the Amazonian heritage, but we don’t necessarily work in a shamanic way. We let the Ayahuasca spirit determine your process and are there to help you through challenging parts of the journey, but we do not influence the energies, there are no group activities and there are no Icaros chants or tribal dances. We deliberately chose this because we want to bridge the gap between the mainstream therapeutic circuit and the healing properties of the plant. And because we want to make Ayahuasca ceremonies as down to earth and accessible as possible, also for people who are not familiar with the spiritual aspect.
What is a therapeutic Ayahuasca ceremony?
OMMIJ holds ceremonies in a therapeutic, non-dogmatic environment, equipping our participants with the tools to find their path to truth, healing and liberation. Trained and experienced guides with integrity and loving compassion assist you on your journey with Plant Medicine. Each ceremony is held according to the principles of responsibility, knowledge, safety, reciprocity and sustainability. With our integration circles and aftercare, we ensure that each participant has the support, knowledge, tools and community to move from a transformative experience to a transformed life.
Can I have a bad trip?
In fact, there is no such thing as a bad trip. An Ayahuasca ceremony is not a walk in the park. It is deep energy work. Ayahuasca can be quite confronting and challenging apart from enlightening. It is important to be aware of that. An Ayahuasca ceremony is about faith, surrender, acceptance and letting go. There is no telling what events, traumas, insights or emotions will surface during your journey, but you will get what you need to heal. You may get scared, but know: our experienced and caring guides will accompany you and are always there for you. They will help you release the fears that limit your life and hinder your spiritual growth. When you face your fears, they will transform and you will receive Mother Ayahuasca’s most precious gifts: power, freedom and love.
What if I menstruate during my ceremony?
This is not a problem and it happens regularly. It is only a problem if the symptoms are unpleasant or even painful for you – then it may be advisable to consider postponing your ceremony.
Is Ayahuasca compatible with medication and certain physical and mental illnesses?
OMMIJ’s priority is your safety and well-being, and to guide you towards personal healing and growth. Fortunately, in eight years and after facilitating healing journeys for over 24000 participants, OMMIJ has an exemplary track record and no serious problems (physical or psychological) have ever occurred. At OMMIJ, we follow strict medical and safety guidelines. The combination with certain antidepressants and other sedatives/narcotics should be avoided and can be life-threatening. Narcotics, alcohol and drugs are contraindications. You can NOT participate in an Ayahuasca and San Pedro Ceremony if:
- You have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, borderline or certain other psychological disorders.
- You have a severe kidney disease, unstable diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, severe neurological disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris, stroke and CVAs, a current or expected pheochromocytoma (a tumour of the adrenal glands), blood dyscrasias (abnormal cells), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) and certain liver disorders.
- You are currently taking anti-depressants (you should stop taking them 4-8 weeks before your ceremony).
- You are currently taking painkillers, sleeping pills or products for migraines and allergies (you should stop them 3-6 days before your ceremony).
- You are currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
- You want to combine drugs like cocaine, amphetamine, MDMA, alcohol, etc with Ayahuasca or San Pedro.
- You confuse Ayahuasca or San Pedro with a recreational drug and just want to party.
IMPORTANT: Before you book your ceremony, you should book OMMIJ’s “Medical and safety guidelines for taking Ayahuasca and San Pedro (Huachuma)”. read and agree to it. There you will find a detailed list of contraindications and substances, medications, drugs, medical conditions to avoid with Ayahuasca and San Pedro.
What are OMMIJ's dietary recommendations in preparation for a ceremony?
If you want to participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony, it is important to prepare physically (detox yourself with a plant-based diet and avoid foods containing tyramines), emotionally/mentally (stop gossiping, distance yourself from negative people, try to avoid sexual activity), and spiritually (set your intentions, do some meditation and avoid too many digital distractions) to get the most benefit from working with this sacred plant medicine. We recommend that participants start the diet at least seven days before drinking Ayahuasca and continue the diet for seven days after the last Ayahuasca ceremony. A minimum of three days before and after is necessary if the recommended seven days are not feasible. Some products may cause nausea or headaches when combined with Ayahuasca. See our detailed recommendations here: PREPARATION.
What is the difference between Ayahuasca and San Pedro?
WHERE Ayahuasca is perceived as a strong feminine energy of a mother, has San Pedro medicine the masculine energy of a gentle grandfather. Ayahuasca is an inner journey into the universe within yourself. San Pedro is more outward-looking, showing you your multidimensional nature. Although San Pedro and Ayahuasca differ in their effects and healing methods, they complement each other perfectly during a multi-day retreat with a 24-hour break between the two different ceremonies. Ayahuasca gives you deep and beautiful insights into yourself, your challenges and problems and shows you what you need to change. San Pedro (Huachuma) opens your heart to love and peace with everyone and everything around you and gives you the power to make the change. If you want to keep the state of bliss you get from an Ayahuasca experience longer, if you want to further shape it and fully integrate it into your daily reality – then San Pedro is the perfect supplement for you.
Should I set a goal and have expectations?
Setting an intention is important. Your intention is what you are striving for, both during the ceremony and in the time around it or afterwards. If you can clearly state where you want yourself to move, and ask for help in that movement, that in itself is an energetic opening to be able to receive what the ceremony has to offer you. An intention is not the same as an expectation – it is better not to have any expectations at all. However, you get what you need, not what you want. It is important to understand that you may not get the specific answers you are looking for. It is important to surrender to the process, and trust that you will get what you need, even if it does not always perfectly match your intentions.
Will Ayahuasca cure me?
Although Ayahuasca is one of the most powerful natural healing methods available to humanity, it is not a miracle cure. We have witnessed amazing and magical healings, but there is never a guarantee of cure. You can learn more about Ayahuasca’s healing powers for an amazing variety of addictions, physical and mental illnesses here. AYAHUASCA RESEARCH
Will I vomit or get diarrhoea from Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a purifying medicine. It purifies your physical body, your mind and your spiritual connections. You may experience vomiting and diarrhoea. But this is a natural process and part of your healing process, as it serves to detoxify the body and release negative energies from your body and soul.
What are the effects of Ayahuasca?
About 30 minutes after drinking the Ayahuasca tea, the psychoactive component DMT can be felt. The effect can last for up to 5 hours. The effects often include a broadening of consciousness, increased sensitivity of all senses and temporary visual effects. Some participants experience euphoria and deep awe, while others experience feelings of anxiety. At OMMIJ, we call Ayahuasca “the medicine of duality”. It heals through deep experiences of opposites like fear and love, darkness and light, resistance and surrender. Ayahuasca shows you all aspects of your being and helps you integrate your shadows because they are a part of you.
How do you make your Ayahuasca tea?
Since 2011, we have been brewing our Ayahuasca tea with the utmost respect, caution, love and good intentions. Our Ayahuasca Tea is made from Syrian Rue and Jurema (Mimosa Hostilis). This combination has proven to have the best and longest-lasting healing effects.
Is Ayahuasca a medicine or a drug?
Ayahuasca is NOT a drug, either addictive or for partying or escapism – Ayahuasca is a medicine that has been used for medical and spiritual purposes by various tribes in the Amazon for at least 4,500 years. Ayahuasca suppresses nothing, it brings everything to the surface. So instead of running away, face your difficult emotions, process them and eventually heal them. For more information, read: HEALING AYAHUASCA
Is Ayahuasca addictive?
No. Ayahuasca shows promising results to cure people of various addictions. If you are still skeptical, check out these research findings on the healing powers of Ayahuasca for an amazing variety of addictions, physical and mental illnesses. AYAHUASCA RESEARCH